Here you will find an overview of the scholarship tools and resources provided to all of our scholars. Need help? If you can’t find the answers on this page, please call the Program Team on
1300 103 896 for further assistance.
This APP is a library of HMEF resources for students, parents/guardians and coaches. Download Schoolstream on your phone via APP store or Google Play (it’s free) and select The Harding Miller Education Foundation (it takes up to 24 hours for approval to join). You can also join via your web browser (password in scholarship pack). All of the information that follows, can be found on Schoolstream.
This website is a fabulous resource for students looking for answers to what career path they should take and how to get there. Login details have been sent to you in your scholarship pack. If you are having trouble logging in, please contact us via email.
This 24 hour service provides unlimited access to our scholarship recipients (HMEF scholars can sign in using their school email address).
Your online study skills specialist! ELES helps secondary students develop effective study skills through the provision of an online learning subscription, available to all scholars. Login via the website User name and password are in your scholarship packs.
Here are your online career advisors! This membership is included with your scholarship. If you need help to activate your membership, please call or email us.
For any device or data issues or questions, please contact FOIT via email [email protected] or call 1300 103 896 (option 1).
All scholars receive a voucher towards purchasing educational resources via the website – If you can’t find your voucher code in your scholarship pack please get in touch with someone at Harding Miller.
Funds are topped up each school year upon completion of an end of year survey. If you are having trouble activating your card or checking your balance, please call the HMEF team on 1300 103 896.
Please make sure you reply to any communications from your coach and HMEF. If you can’t find your coach contact information, please get in touch with the HMEF program team to help connect you. New scholars will be allocated a coach by Term 2 of their intake year.
For any assistance, please call the program team on 1300 103 896